目前分類:志工園地 (53)

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The first thing I did in the library is arranging the bookcases. Before I arrange the bookcases, I thought it just likes a piece a cake for arranging bookcases. But I know I’m wrong for this work. I have to order those books carefully according the serial number of books. For me, this work is required concentration and patience. All of the interns in this picture book library are studying in YUNTECH, so we have many common topics to talk and get more familiar with others fast. During the first week we work together, I know each intern has her specialty and many interns have their own ideas, so we went on with the schedule smoothly. Interpreting international picture books is a happy work for me, because I take Japanese and Korean as my elective subject, I not only can use the language what I learn but also can read the picture books at the same time. Interpreting can improve my foreign language vocabulary, just like learning by doing. Hoping that I can improve my foreign language except English through interpreting picture books and have good performances on the projects in the future two months.
It is the second week to intern in the picture book library. It seemed that time was passing faster than last week. On Tuesday, I joined the activity
“繪本藝想世界”. Through the speakers introduction and analysis, I learned how to analyze the front cover of picture books and what the authors want to delivery by the illustrations. Every detail is important even though the illustration is very small. Our curator asked for volunteers to design the different posters during this week. Most interns from design department are more active than interns from other departments to be responsible for design posters. I think it is because design is their expertise, and they are in confidence with their profession, just like I’m studying English, and I’m interesting in interpreting international picture books. However, I still admire their responsibility and abilities to design the beautiful posters. I would like to design a poster, but I think I’m lack of the talent of design, it will take me a lot of time to do this and still cannot achieve the goal. So, I’m both afraid and desire.

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The first thing I did in the library is arranging the bookcases. Before I arrange the bookcases, I thought it just likes a piece a cake for arranging bookcases. But I know I’m wrong for this work. I have to order those books carefully according the serial number of books. For me, this work is required concentration and patience. All of the interns in this picture book library are studying in YUNTECH, so we have many common topics to talk and get more familiar with others fast. During the first week we work together, I know each intern has her specialty and many interns have their own ideas, so we went on with the schedule smoothly. Interpreting international picture books is a happy work for me, because I take Japanese and Korean as my elective subject, I not only can use the language what I learn but also can read the picture books at the same time. Interpreting can improve my foreign language vocabulary, just like learning by doing. Hoping that I can improve my foreign language except English through interpreting picture books and have good performances on the projects in the future two months.


一、本周實習內容Weekly Content

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整個暑期的活動其實蠻多的,因為不清楚所有 活動的時間以及性質,所以一開始製作 8人份的暑 期時間表有點混亂,但經過幾次跟館長的確認以及 夥伴們的討論之後成功做出了大家的值班表以及近 來的活動安排。 檢討這個星期的表現:雖然自己是設計系,但因為 害怕做不好,所以不敢接受製作美宣的任務,例如 海報設計等。但接下來我會勇敢接受挑戰,盡力把 所有事情都做到最好。 

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  1. 書籍上架:將民眾借閱後歸還之書籍重新放回書架。
  2. 書籍整理:依索書號將書籍重新排列。
  3. 活動設計及規劃:本周為7月中的立體書特展規劃期,主要負責展場規劃及選書、書摘撰寫及整理。
  4. 書摘撰寫:為館內未有中文翻譯之外文書籍撰寫書摘,讓民眾即使是看不懂的語言也可以藉由書摘簡易了解書本內容。
  5. 場地布置:繪本館既有活(如讀書會、工作坊等)之場地布置。


  1. 前一日整理好的書隔天順序又亂了,也會有民眾將書推內書櫃內層,或不注意的時候折到書封。
  2. 平常不會接觸語言(如德文、韓文)翻譯困難,即使使用Google翻譯也難以理解意思;解決方式:使用ISBN碼查詢書名並使用翻譯,或看網路上有無其他人的心得。


  1. 推廣了解索書號,很多人似乎不懂要如何觀看索書號,遺忘從哪裡拿的便隨便塞回書架,導致館員整理困難、也花費更多時間。
  2. 推廣孩童閱讀完畢後應請館員或家長協助放回書架,否則孩童常常因為書本太多拿不動或不會看編號而選擇隨意放置。


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這週 ,是我實習的第一周 。以前以為排書很簡單,只是一味的放在櫃子而已,但其實接 觸後才知道是要按照編號順序排,而且手腳要麻利快,要在小孩子進來前排好,而這需要 練一下才行。 
再者 ,因為我一直都在磨煉自己的設計 ,而很少去辦活動 。因此活動籌備是我最不擅 長的項目,但是在這星期的籌備中 ,身為活動組的我 ,學到了團隊合作精神的重要 性 。也學會接受別人的想法,不再獨立實行計劃 ,而且還能從中發現更多的創意想 法 。 
國際書的翻譯 ,也是我的一個挑戰 事項 ,雖然我的母語是馬來文 。但是因為太過於口 語化了 ,導致很難在字面上編輯大綱 ,書摘等翻譯 。但是我努力的克服了 ,很慶幸有 這樣的活動 ,讓我受益匪淺 。 

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107.7.17今天有一位媽媽帶了一對混血兒兄弟來看展,起初媽媽在未注意到的情況下想將書本帶到一旁與兩位孩子一同閱讀,在經過我們提醒媽媽立體書盡量不要帶離展區後,媽媽便將小男孩們帶到展區看展,較年幼的弟弟對於Roly Poly Books系列的立體書非常感興趣,甚至拿著其中的一本直喊著說:「Mine!  Mine!  Mine!  (意思為:我的!我的!我的!)」本來誤以為小男孩們只會說英文,於是我們也用英文告知他們請小心愛護立體書,結果後來才發現原來他們也會說中文,哇!真是太尷尬了,不過這樣在溝通效果方面也好了許多。



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Nowadays, even with advanced technology, the importance of humanities is still incomparable. And, it is said that technology always comes from human nature. To pursuit a more advanced world, we must start from the pure human nature—children. There are lots of children in the Douliu Picture Book Library, and I am very thankful of having the opportunity to intern there.



During the internship, I met people of different ages as I expected. I had learned to see the world deeper in a more profound perspective. I helped holding the summer routine activities and the first invited exhibition by the library.

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  When I first started to find my internship, I decided to find the one that had opportunity to interact with children. And my senior recommended me that I could intern at the Douliu picture book library. I just accepted his recommendation because when I was sophomore, our professor just asked us to telling stories at the picture book library. I had a great impression on its cozy and heart-warming environment and looked forward to interning at the picture book library. And I really appreciated the supervisor giving me the opportunity of interning at the Douliu picture book.


  At first, I thought my internship was telling the story and doing some trivial things. But, the actual internship I did was quite different. During my internship, I learned many different things that I could not learn from the book.


   When I interned at the picture book library, I took part in many different activities. The first activity was helped decorating the washi exhibition. Through this exhibition, I saw many delicate and attractive creations and knew more information about washi. Washi is a paper that made by Japan. And the reason why washi is expensive just because its low quantity and high quality. It could be used for many years.

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At first, it was a great honor to intern at the picture book library. I deeply appreciated that the picture book library director could give me the opportunity of interning here. And I also want to thank my senior’s recommendation. After my senior talked about her internship experience and I had a discussion with her, I decided to intern at the picture book library and hoped to had a memorable experience.


When I was in my sophomore year, I could have been to the picture book library. Our professor asked all the students who took a compulsory subject to tell stories to children and parents at the picture book library. But because I had something important to do, I needed to go home. Therefore I could not go to tell stories to children at the picture book library at that time. I had a sense of loss, because I had prepared this assignment beforehand. But I did not think that one day I would have a chance to intern here and even tell stories to children.


Time goes by so quickly, a semester passed. During the internship, I benefited a lot and learned much knowledge which cannot be read in books like how to cooperate harmoniously and how to communicate effectively with superior and colleagues and so on. Maybe after entering the workforce, I will know these things. But now that I have already learned them before I graduate. I believe these experiences will let me become more competitive in the future. Furthermore, I also needed to learn how to have fun, be patient and get along well with children. Because I seldom get on with children, I do not know what they think and what they want to do. I found that it was really difficult for me to do it.

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Before I interned at the picture book library, I’ve got to the library once in my sophomore year.  In a required course, our professor asked us to go to there to share a picture book with the children.  I remember when I got to the library I was quickly fascinated by its castle-like exterior design.  As I stepped into the library, its spacious and well-lighted environment gave me a sense of relaxation.


When my group members and I stood at the center stage with people around us, I was quite nervous about the unfamiliar scene, but at the same time I was also excited about to give our group’s performance.  During that thirty minutes’ performance, I found it terrific to have everyone focus on you for we had not waste many of our preparing hours and even for the sense of accomplishment filled in our hearts.  Because of that valuable experience, when I became junior and faced the task of choosing my internship, I intended to intern at the picture book library.  Finally I decided to go to the picture book library on my senior intern’s recommendation.  It is great that our supervisor Shindy provided the opportunity for interns like my classmates and I.


During the internship, we have learned many things which could apply in future careers.  Moreover, all of us also got our own memorable experiences which could not learn in classes.  From the very beginning to the end, picture book library has hold a series of programs to let children have fun while learning new things.

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Hello everyone, I am Ashlee Wu, a DAFL student from Yuntech.  At first, I am appreciated to have the opportunity to intern at the picture book library.  Because of the recommendation of my professor and the intern experience of my senior, I choose to intern in the picture book library and hope to learn a lot.


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At the beginning, when I worked at Picture Book Library, the place was strange to me. But I have been gradually familiar with people and things since I experienced lots of different activities during one month around.



I took part in my first activity “The Camp of Kids’ Drama,” when I worked on the second day. Facing an unfamiliar activity challenged my live reaction. It was glad that everything was fine and also I could get along with teacher and children well although I met what I never thought situation in the activity.

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   1. FUN暑假兒童閱讀戲劇營



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