
Before I interned at the picture book library, I’ve got to the library once in my sophomore year.  In a required course, our professor asked us to go to there to share a picture book with the children.  I remember when I got to the library I was quickly fascinated by its castle-like exterior design.  As I stepped into the library, its spacious and well-lighted environment gave me a sense of relaxation.


When my group members and I stood at the center stage with people around us, I was quite nervous about the unfamiliar scene, but at the same time I was also excited about to give our group’s performance.  During that thirty minutes’ performance, I found it terrific to have everyone focus on you for we had not waste many of our preparing hours and even for the sense of accomplishment filled in our hearts.  Because of that valuable experience, when I became junior and faced the task of choosing my internship, I intended to intern at the picture book library.  Finally I decided to go to the picture book library on my senior intern’s recommendation.  It is great that our supervisor Shindy provided the opportunity for interns like my classmates and I.


During the internship, we have learned many things which could apply in future careers.  Moreover, all of us also got our own memorable experiences which could not learn in classes.  From the very beginning to the end, picture book library has hold a series of programs to let children have fun while learning new things.


Collecting the Children Picture Book Recommendation List


Because the picture book library got the budget for buying new picture books, our task this time was to collecting the recommendation list.  At first, I had no idea how to collect the picture book recommendation list.  Thus, our supervisor suggested that we could base on some picture book’s awards to choose picture books.  That gave me an inspiration of doing this task.


The very first recommendation list I collected was top 10 best sold picture books on Eslite online bookstore from 2000 to now.  In the beginning, I thought it was just a piece of cake, but the lack of communication with my supervisor made me mess up my task.  Because I misunderstood supervisor’s instruction, she wanted me to collect the Chinese version rather than the English version.  Then I learned a lesson that no matter what you do, you must take it seriously.


The second and third time I was more attentive and started to be on the right track.  My most impressive part was collecting Taiwan’s native picture book authors’ works.  It took times to collect all their works, but during those hours, I was repeatedly amazed by our native authors’ works.  The element of Taiwan’s local culture is the main point of the whole books and it makes these Taiwanese works so different from other foreign picture books. 


Recording 10 Picture Books and Making them into Audiobooks


This year picture book library has begun to promote audiobooks to help children get into the stories, our supervisor asked each of us to record ten children picture books and to make it into audiobooks and then upload the files on YouTube.  Before this task got started, I was excited about the idea to record picture books for it is something to do with our specialty.  Nonetheless, after the task begun, it was harder than I used to think, and it was funnier than I used to expect.


During these weeks of recording works, I had to adjust my feelings to fit in these ten different stories, and I had to try to figure out the tone of every role in these stories.  At times it was also hard for the mutation of sounds while recording.  In addition to the recording part, the picture books it selves also provided me an implication to think deeper.  I was grateful for the task our supervisor gave us.  


Programs to respond the World Book Day 2014


To respond the World Book Day 2014, the picture book library had designed a series of programs for participants to have fun.  From April 23rd to May 28th, every Wednesday afternoon each of us was in charge of two children to accompany them and help them to do some arts and crafts.


I think be with children is an art.  Because you should use some skills to let them listen to you, or tell them what should do or what shouldn’t do.  I like to talk to them because their thoughts are simple and pure.  It made me relaxed when talking to them.  During these six weeks, I have got such a precious experience that I would never forget.  It is really nice for both of us to get through all the problems and made us become different from before.


Finally, I had to say that I really appreciated that our supervisor could give us such a great chance to intern at picture book library.  In this semester, I had met some bottlenecks while doing the tasks our supervisor gave us, and I found it important to keep your enthusiasm while dealing with these matters.  This is the most precious thing I’ve learned during this internship, and my teacher was those children.  They are so amazing that they could usually stay positive while seeing things, and I was impressed by their endless energy.  Picture book library provided me a great deal of valuable memories, I would always cherish the days I spent in this place.



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