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這次是我(姿菁姊姊)第二次說故事,這次的這本故事畫風雖然滿簡單的,故事內容雖然稱不上很勵志,  但卻是非常的有趣。

This is my second time to tell a story. The pictures of the book are simple but interesting. Perhaps it won’t encourage the children; however, I think this book is still worth reading.



Due to the bad weather recently, there are much less people come to listen to the story. No matter how many people come to listen to my story, I will always tell a story with great enthusiasm.



Although there are not many people to interact with, I think how to make everyone learn and memorize the vocabulary is the most important thing that I have to do.

by Mei





This is my second time of storytelling, instead of all English stories, I use Chinese story combining with several English vocabulary in this activity. Because of the similar language, the kids tend to be more concentrate last for a longer time. So, it is much more effective to the beginner of English with Chinese story and English vocabulary.



我今天講的故事是Doctor De Soto,講述一個聰慧的老鼠牙醫如何對待狡詐的狐狸病人,並巧用計策將計就計讓狐狸的壞主意無法得逞,算是典型的惡有惡報、邪不勝正的故事,而故事的過程到結果也很好理解,可以講一小段就停下來教幾個單字,然後引導孩子們預測故事的走向藉此加深孩子們對故事的印象,當然也要用到英文單字作為關鍵詞囉!


My story today is Doctor De Soto. It is a story of how a smart dentist mouse defeats his sneaky fox patient with his wise plan. It’s a typical “Evil can never prevail over good” story. And the story line is simple enough to understand and remember easily. So that we can have more time to teach the vocabulary and ask kids to predict how the story will go. Of course with the English vocabularies as the key words! 

By Conrad (嘉良)


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