




 a695058 好多動物都在排著隊呢!一起加入跟著牠們去參加好玩又驚奇的活動吧!

Many animals are lining up. An interesting and surprising activity is coming!

 9789860270952   橘色的馬到大城市找失散多年的兄弟,但他卻只有半張相片的線索。故事內容感人又有意義,一起來幫他找尋他的兄弟吧!


An orange horse came to a city and wanted to find his brother. But, what he has was a half of a photo


 13123357001920826305   一頂神奇的帽子,只要運用你的想像力,他就會變成各種尺寸、形狀或顏色唷!

There’s a magic hat which can become every kinds of hat if you just imagine it.

 9866058077 愛吃肉的可怕暴龍雷克斯蛀牙!你也可以和其他動物們一起幫他想出一個解決蛀牙的好辦法唷

The tyrannosaurus who likes to eat meats has a tooth decay. Now, you can help hime with other animals deal with it. 

 by 姿菁 Mei 


星期日的早晨小小姐姐慢吞吞地洗衣服,她花了半天時間在洗衣服,更不用說晾衣服了,隨時間逝去,天色漸漸暗、風漸漸大,衣服乘著風,環遊各地。事事是否都要趕趕趕呢? 若把步調慢下來也許可以看到沿路不同的風景。

The sister washes the clothes slowly on Sunday morning. She spends the half day on washing clothes, let alone airing it. The sky becomes dark and the wind becomes heavy, as time goes by. The clothes were blown away and started to travel the world. Should everything be in big hurry? If you try to take your time, you maybe can see different scenery.



上廁所也是一門學問! 大家都會上家裡的廁所,那除了家裡之外的呢?


oing to toilet is a lesson. Everyone can go to toilet at home, but how about at school or other public place? The book introduces many different kinds of toilets and teaches right procedure.




The grandma likes to name a thing as long as its life longer than her. No matter a car, a house or a chair; she is willing to make friends with them. However, she doesn’t give a name to a dog which comes to her house every day. If someday the dog disappeared, does grandma change her mind to take the dog home and give it a name? 


這是場救貓大作戰! 因為教堂的屋頂破洞了,需要一筆經費修繕,所以老鼠說服安妮小姐送阿山貓參加選美比賽,贏得冠軍且登報,卻也因此被綁架。這場戰役,究竟是老鼠還是綁匪得利呢?

This story is about a saving mission for a cat. The broken roof which needs some money to fix it, so the mice make Annie sends the cat to participate a beauty contest. Not only wins first place, but also reports the head. Then, the cat is kidnapped. Who will be the winner in this fight, the mice or the bad guys?


By 宸瑄




好書推薦 part 2


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