


 活動名稱: 教育部101年「閱讀推廣與館藏充實實施計畫」


活動時間: 10173日 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

活動地點: 斗六市繪本圖書館

與會人員: 謝市長淑亞、莊委員芳榮、盧委員秀菊、林委員珊如、黃委員雯玲、李主任玉瑾、沈館長秀茹、何妙顏小姐、陳瑋慈小姐、余思慧小姐




Cultural Affairs Department, Yunlin County Government’s representative 陳瑋慈 reported the achievement of reading project. She communicated with committees about the development and the expectation of the republic library. Furthermore, the committees gave many helpful feedbacks, such as enriching the stock of books, promoting the plan writing skill etc., to build up the value in citizens’ mind.




Douliou Picture book Library’s leader 沈秀茹 explained to the committees that the number of borrowing book has obviously increasing. Also, due to the neighbor high school students’ help, not only make an effort to the library, but also energize the atmosphere of the library. Recently, the activities, such as 「2012柚見花開系列活動」、「2012愛家社區讀書會」etc., linked up local industry and community to help citizens learn more about their hometown.



In order to provide more reading resources for citizens, Mayor --- actively obtained the opportunity of funds for the library. She also looked forward to hearing more suggestions from the committees so as to create potential of the library.

by 宸瑄、姿菁、鈺茹、嘉良


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